Interaction Between Periodontal Disease and Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease –

Cardiovascular Disease Relationship to Oral Health
C-reactive protein, also known as CRP is a protein that measures the general level of inflammation in your body. The C- reactive protein or general level of inflammation is associated with the 10-year risk of an atherosclerotic vascular disease which is the hardening and narrowing of your arteries. (also known as ASVD). The study suggests that there is a presence of systemic inflammation or inflammation spread throughout your body, long before the ASVD is present. Leaving us with the question- Where does the systemic inflammation come from? Researchers have been studying dental infections and the different forms of periodontal disease (PD). Periodontal disease is the infection of the gums/ tissues that surround your teeth. These dental infections and periodontal disease are highly prevalent in people that are at risk for ASVD. Recent data shows that ASVD and PD interact with each other on a systemic level. The ASVD and PD use small signal molecules and enzymes that change the initiation and progression of the chronic inflammatory reactions in both diseases. In addition, periodontal pathogens were identified within ASVD sores atherosclerotic lesions and blood clots isolated from heart attack (myocardial infarction) patients. LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol is also a strong risk factor for ASVD. Where LDL has also been found to be associated with PD. The medications know as statins that are used to treat ASVD, are also working to prevent or reduce PD. Evidence is growing to show that there are common genetic factors in both diseases. These findings support similarities with respect to the way these diseases are produced in both inflammatory diseases. On the other hand, a fundamental relationship has not been concluded due to the absence of data from large and randomized trials.
Read the original article by Aarabi G, Eberhard J, Reissmann DR, Heydecke G, Seedorf U here.

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